Masturbation is a natural and healthy aspect of human sexuality, yet it often remains a taboo topic. Let’s delve into some fascinating and surprising facts about masturbation that might change the way you think about this common practice.
Understanding Masturbation
Masturbation is one of the most basic acts in the world, and yet because of its longstanding taboo, it’s surprising how much we don’t know about it. Let’s start with the basics.
What is Masturbation?
Masturbation is the act of stimulating one’s own genitals to achieve an orgasm. This can be accomplished in a few different ways, but the most common method by far is using your hand.
The Purpose and Benefits of Masturbation
Masturbation is often a solo act done to achieve an orgasm, which is integral to our health. It has clear health benefits, which we’ll discuss later, and is a healthy way to explore one’s sexual preferences.
Surprising Masturbation Facts
Now, let’s dive into some fascinating facts about masturbation, in hopes of breaking any remaining stigma, and showing just how normal (and even beneficial) it is.
Frequency and Demographics
About 78% of adults around the world masturbate on a regular basis, and by and large, men masturbate more than women. The average person beginning masturbating is at the age of 15, which is around the time that they begin going through puberty. Most people who do masturbate do so once a week.
Masturbation Around the World
Interestingly, it’s Great Britain that has the highest reported number of people who masturbate – 96% of all adult men, and 78% of all adult women. That’s followed by Germany (93% men and 76% women), and then the United States (92% men and 76% women).
Masturbation Health Benefits
There are numerous health benefits to masturbating, and we’re only starting to take them seriously now. Unfortunately, cultural taboos have historically interfered with our understanding of how healthy masturbating can be. However, researchers are finally recognizing it as a significant part of overall physical and emotional health.

Physical Benefits
Masturbation has a calming effect on the nervous system, and this can improve nervous system functions, by lowering stress levels and even improving sleep. Sexuality is a biological function of being human, and ignoring our own sex drive can be detrimental to our health. Those who orgasm regularly may have better hormonal function, immune function, and nervous system function.
Mental and Emotional Benefits
When we orgasm, we release endorphins that improve our mental and emotional well-being. Ignoring a normal human sex drive can harm our psychological well-being. Masturbation is a healthy way to satisfy this drive without the risks of sex, such as sexually transmitted infections or pregnancy. It also helps us connect to ourselves and learn about our preferences, which we can share with a partner.
Masturbation Myths vs. Reality
When it comes to masturbating, there are myths, and then there are facts. Again, masturbation has been demonized by certain puritanical cultures, religions, and philosophies, thus creating a lot of myths that simply aren’t factually correct.
Myth #1: Masturbation is Harmful
Masturbation is completely healthy, with extremely rare exceptions related to excessive frequency within a short time frame.
Myth #2: Masturbation Causes Sexual Dysfunction
Masturbation does not cause sexual dysfunction, and in fact, it can improve sexual function by helping us connect to our own sexuality.
Myth #3: Masturbation is Only for Singles
Masturbation is not only for singles, as you’ll see in just a bit that it can be a meaningful addition to your sex life with a partner.
Masturbation Tips and Advice
We’ve established that masturbating is a normal and healthy part of being human. Now, let’s offer some tips that can help you get more out of it.
Solo Techniques
Masturbating solo is a great way to discover what you like and dislike. This knowledge can help you communicate better with a sexual partner, making it easier to reach orgasm. This can help you become more connected to your partner, by helping you build a healthy sex life.
Everyone is going to find what works for them through trial and error. One general rule of thumb is to avoid applying too much pressure or speed at the beginning, as this can overstimulate those sensitive nerve endings early on, resulting in an unfulfilling or even uncomfortable climax.
Now, more and more people are masturbating with toys rather than their hand. Vibrators in particular can help you achieve an even more powerful orgasm, and modern vibrators have gotten quite advanced, with different power settings and other features that can bring enormous pleasure into your experience.
Partner Involvement
Masturbating with a partner can be incredibly fulfilling, and a great way to shake things up, so to speak. Masturbating while a partner stimulates other parts of the body is particularly enjoyable, and it can break up any monotony you’re experiencing in your sex life. At the same time, many women enjoy stimulating their clitoris during intercourse, either with their hand or with a sex toy, as a lot of women struggle to climax from penetration alone. There are also couples who enjoy masturbating at the same time, with the goal of climaxing together.
Of course, whenever incorporating something new into a bedroom session with a partner, it’s important to clearly communicate what you want, and make sure that you receive enthusiastic consent, so that each party feels comfortable, respected, and heard.
Masturbation Has Taken a Whole New Turn
Masturbation is one of those things that most of us do, but few of us talk about. We hope that we’ve broken up some of the stigma surrounding it, as general attitudes toward sex become more positive in the 21st Century. Masturbation can improve our lives in many ways, and it can play a critical role in developing a healthy relationship with our own sexuality.